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 Asya Minasyan-Teruni Ph.D.

My overarching philosophy of teaching music is to improve my students’ musical development in four areas:

1) Thinking

2) Feeling

3) Listening

4) Doing.


I believe music is a thought process, an emotional expression and a learned physical experience.   My philosophy is to teach music by addressing all these areas.  I believe a music instructor must find ways to create an atmosphere that encourages students to continually work towards improving their physical and mental abilities to play music. When you combine all four elements to a musical philosophy, the teacher and the students create an environment where musical learning can elevate to the highest level. 


Students utilize their left brain or right brain for daily living and critical thinking. While this may make a student more prone to rational thought or creative expression, music is best developed with both sides of the brain.  The fully engaged and dual thinking student is able to grow further. For this to be achieved, every lesson must have a goal.  Students must learn theory and musical literature. Both teacher and the student playing music must critically evaluate the music that is played. The student must be able to evaluate the strength of the playing as well as the ability to decide if the music as a piece of musical art is polished and beautiful or is in need of further development.  


 My goal is not just to play or listen, but to help develop the students’ own style of composer which is in turn a reflection of what the student feels. One of my goals is to help each student clearly reflect not only the music but express the historical period from which the composer originates. I believe that as the student improves and grows musically their awareness is increased. This increased awareness and concentration will be expressed in every area of the student’s life.



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